Sportsbet Punters Club - Betting and Banter

Create a Punters Club with Sportsbet and let the bookmaker do all the work for you. You and your mates will only need to worry about betting and banter with Sportsbet taking care of all the important information.

Are you in a punters club with your family, mates or colleagues? And is that punters club vague, unorganised, with questions continually asked about whose turn it is, who’s spent how much and who wagered on what? If you’re punters club is struggling to function, there’s somewhere you can turn to… Sportsbet!  

Create a Punters Club with Sportsbet

Sportsbet have a new punters club service where they’ll do all the work for you. All you and your gang need is a Sportsbet account! Start by getting the most organised person in your group to create a punters club with the bookmaker. Punters Club can be easily located on Sportsbet’s landing page. Create a club name then the rules, such as the wager amount and how often to bet, for example daily, weekly, etc. Next the setter-upperer will need to invite his mates via SMS and email (non Sportsbet members can be invited but they’ll need to become a member of the bookmaker to get involved.) Once those invited respond and add their amount required to fund your punters club, you’ll be able to begin betting, with the creator up first.

Placing a Punters Club Bet

Even the air head of your group should have no problems placing a punters club bet! Whoever’s turn it is to wager will receive a notification from Sportsbet. Simply hit the ‘bet now’ button on the punters club account and you’re ready to go. Find what you want to wager on, and in the bet slip toggle down to the punters club account. Place the bet like normal and wait for your winnings!

Banter and Betting Results

Yes let’s hope it is winnings… Because if it isn’t you’ll know about it! That’s because the activity area of the punters club product provides all the details of every bet. Yep that includes the LOSING wagers! The activity board is where all the happenings of the club gets posted, such as bet details and bet results. But most importantly it’s the area where the ribbing will take place.  Bad bet banter will mostly fill up the wall, because let’s face it, nobody will thank you for picking a winner, but there’ll be plenty of snide comments about losses. But be careful about bagging others because there’s no hiding in your punters club, with a leader board naming and shaming results as soon as bets are settled. The group will be able to see who’s doing well and who’s letting the team down!

Start your Sportsbet punters club today and put a stop to the debate that currently surrounds your unorganised, dodgy do it yourself club! The process is simple but if you’re still struggling to understand how it works, check out this video